Tuesday, August 27, 2013

NQESH Reviewer: Management of Human Resources

(Topics/References: DECS Manual, Magna Carta for Public School Teacher)

Personnel Management

General Categories of services in government based on Executive Order 292.

Career Service – based on merit and fitness determined as far as practicable by comepetitive examinations, as based on highly technical qualifications. Any person appointed to positions in the career service has the opportunities for the advancement of high career positions and enjoy security of tenure.

Three major Levels  of career service position

a.       First Level – The nature of work is sub-professional or non-supervisory. It includes electrical, crafts, trade and custodial positions, entrance to which requires less than four years of college work.
b.      Second Level – Include professional, technical and scientific positions which involve professional, technical and scientific work in non-supervisory or supervisory capacity and requires at least 4 years of college work. Principal and teachers fall in this level.
c.       Third Level - cover those in the Career Executive Service which include: undersecretary, assistant secretary, bureau director, assistant regional director, chief department service, schools division superintendent, assistant school division superintendent and other officials of equivalent rank

Employment Process

Stage 1. Recruitment
                Pursuant to R.A 7041, Vacant positions in all levels in the career service are published in the:
-          Bulletin of Vacancies in the Civil Service; and
-          In the newspaper of wide circulation
These are likewise posted in at least three (3) conspicuous places in the office for the 10 working days (CSC-MC No. 20, s. 2002)

Stage 2: Selection
                Selection of DepEd employees and teachers is based on the principle of merit, competence, fitness and quality and it is open to all, regardless of gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity or political affiliation.
                Determining Factors in Ranking
1.       Performance
2.       Education and Training
3.       Experience and Outstanding Accomplishment
4.       Psycho-Social Attributes and Personality Traits
5.       Potential
For teachers, ranking is school based.
School Committee – chaired by the school head or department head. Receive all application and validates the documents submitted by the applicants.
Division Sub-Committee – evaluates the applicants, observes the teaching demonstration and conducts interview to the applicants
Division Selection Committee- administer  written examination, consolidates individual ratings and makes the final ranking of all applicants for inclusion to the RQA (Registry of Qualified Applicants) for submission and approval of the Superintendent.

Pooling – A registry of qualified applicants for every elementary school and for every secondary  schools is done in every division office and provide a copy also for Regional Director.

Stage 3: Appointment

a.       Original Appointment – refers to the initial entry into the career and non-career service.
b.      Promotion – refers to the advancement from one position to another with an increase of duties and responsibilities and usually corresponds to an increase in salary.
c.       Transfer – refers to movement from one position to another, which is equivalent in rank, level or salary without break in service.

Other Nature of Appointment

d.      Reemployment
e.      Reappointment
f.        Reinstatement
g.       Renewal
h.      Change of Statust.
i.         Demotion
j.        Reclassification

a.       Regular Permanent Status – issued to a teacher who meets all the requirements in the position
b.      Provisional Status – issued to a teacher who meets all the requirements of the position except eligibility.
c.       Substitute Status – issued to a teacher when the regular incumbent of the position is temporarily unable to perform the duties of the position.

                From the Magna Carta of Public School Teachers (R.A. 4670)
1.       Teachers are not entitled to the usual vacation and sick leave credits but proportional vacation pay (PVP) during Summer and Christmas Vacation
2.       Teachers who have at least seven (7) years of continuous service may be entitled to study leave of absence with pay not exceeding in one (1) school year.
Maternity Leave
Every woman in the government service who has rendered an aggregate of two or  more years in service, in addition to the vacation and sick leave granted to her is entitled to a maternity leave of 60 days with full pay.

Paternity Leave (RA 8187)

A married male employee is entitled to paternity leave of seven (7) working days for his first (4) deliveries of his legitimate spouse with whom he is living.

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