Wednesday, August 28, 2013

NQESH Reviewer: Management of Physical Resources


Physical resources n schools includes the facilities and instructional(learning) materials. Examples of instructional materials are print instructional materials, non-print instructional materials. It maybe a form of equipment or furniture.

Examples of equipment
Tools, utensils, apparatus (for kitchen and home economics , for science  laboratory, for playground)
Teaching aids and materials
Instruments and properties needed for curricular, non-curricular, and administrative functions and processes implementation.

Examples of Furniture
Desk, chairs, table, benches, cabinets, shelves, bulletin board
Similar items that are permanent or attached that made up physical environment for learning
Movable items and furnishing that require instructional spaces

Other Equipment
Office equipment
Medical/dental/health equipment (for clinic)

Schools Furniture/Classroom/Building

For Dimensions, size of chairs and classroom and facilities please refer to DECS Manual

Condemnation and Demolition of Buildings

If the school building rehabilitation and repair  will cost 50% or more than the cost of new building to replace it, it is recommended for demolition or condemnation

School Head will report the building to be condemned.
Schools Division Superintendent sends a team ton check and verify the conditions of the building

Regional Director issues a special voucher approving relief from the responsibility for the demolished building

1 comment:

  1. Im just curious, how come I havent yet met a smart school head with even minimum english skills if this exam is any good at all? Do they doctor the results? Do takers get leaks? I have yet to meet a smart and principled principal.
